
A Golden Campine hen forages in a pasture.

Campines are a gorgeous Northern European fowl valued for their large white eggs and beauty. Their close-fitting feathers and relatively large combs mean they're not the most cold-hardy fowl, but they can certainly tolerate some cold as they were developed in an area with cold winters. Campines are active birds and love to forage.


Class: Continental (Northern Mediterranean)
Type: Large Fowl
Size: Small (4-5 lbs)
Rarity: Common
Purpose: Egg-laying
Recognized Varieties: Recognized: Silver and Golden. Unrecognized: Chamois and others.

Egg Facts:

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: White
Egg Size: Medium

Fancy Features:

Comb Type: Single Comb
Crested: No
Feathered Legs: No
Number of Toes: 4

Suitability to Backyard Life:

Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter
Heat Tolerance: Tolerates heat well
Bears Confinement: Tolerates confinement
Especially Docile: No
Setter/Broody: No
Personality: Active, alert, intelligent