Naked Neck (Turken)

A Naked Neck (Turken) chicken stands in front of a beige background.

Who knew turkeys and chickens could interbreed? This bird looks like a turkey due to its "naked neck", but it's all chicken! It was bred this way to be easier for cooks to pluck. Strangely, Turkens are said to fare very well in the cold despite their feather shortcomings and big combs (though these features do help them in the heat). They have an unusual look that some people don't care for, but they are also calm, very friendly and one of the easiest chickens to tame. Relatively rare in North America, Naked Necks are very popular in Europe, especially France and Germany.


Class: All Other Breeds
Type: Large Fowl & Bantam
Size: Medium (6-7 lbs)
Rarity: Common
Purpose: Dual
Recognized Varieties: Black, White, Buff, Red

Egg Facts:

Egg Laying: Fair (2/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Egg Size: Medium

Fancy Features:

Comb Type: Single Comb
Crested: No
Feathered Legs: No
Number of Toes: 4

Suitability to Backyard Life:

Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter
Heat Tolerance: Not especially heat hardy
Bears Confinement: Bears confinement well
Especially Docile: Yes
Setter/Broody: Yes
Personality: Easygoing and easily tamed