How will I know that my chicks have arrived at the post office?
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Good question! First of all, don't forget that our baby chicks can arrive any day from Tuesday through Thursday of the week they are shipped--it just depends on how quickly the post office delivers to your area.
So have your brooder and everything prepared by Monday (so you don't have to scramble)...but don't worry if it's a Tuesday or Wednesday and your chicks haven't arrived yet.
As to how you'll know they're at the post office, in our experience most POs ask customers to pick up their peeping packages right at the post office on the day of arrival.

We will print your phone number on the box so they will know how to reach you when it arrives.(When you place your order, be sure to provide us with the phone number you want them to use to notify you.)
However, it's also important to get in touch with your post office before the chicks arrive. They can fill you in on any policies relating to how they handle chick deliveries locally. For example, some deliver chicks right to your door instead of asking you to pick them up. Knowing what to expect from your local post office will help you stay prepared!
Losses are rare, but they do occur. So we recommend that if you have children, they are not around when you open the package. If you do experience any losses, please let us know within 48 hours--your birds have a 100% live arrival guarantee.
Please note that all orders must be picked up the day they arrive. Due to their perishable nature, the Post Office reserves the right to rehome live poultry left at their overnight. No refund or reshipment will be available to you.Â