If I'm interested in getting started in keeping backyard chickens, where do I begin?
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If you're longing to keep pet chickens, sometimes it's hard to even know where to begin your exciting chicken adventure. We're happy to help you get started with some helpful resources!
First you might be interested in our glossary, just in case you're not familiar with common chicken terms.
That glossary will help you as you read through the other resources we have for you. For instance, we have two free ebooks online, one on Chicken and Chick Care that is essential, and one on hatching eggs at home, that you'll want to read through if you plan to hatch your own chicks.
If you ARE a beginner, keep in mind that in most cases, it's better to start with baby chicks.
You may also be interested in finding out which breed of chicken is right for your needs. If so, you'll want to try our Chicken Chooser Breed Selection Tool.
When you're ready, you can see our baby chick availability by clicking on "day old baby chicks" in the left hand navbar of this page.

First you might be interested in our glossary, just in case you're not familiar with common chicken terms.
That glossary will help you as you read through the other resources we have for you. For instance, we have two free ebooks online, one on Chicken and Chick Care that is essential, and one on hatching eggs at home, that you'll want to read through if you plan to hatch your own chicks.
If you ARE a beginner, keep in mind that in most cases, it's better to start with baby chicks.
You may also be interested in finding out which breed of chicken is right for your needs. If so, you'll want to try our Chicken Chooser Breed Selection Tool.
When you're ready, you can see our baby chick availability by clicking on "day old baby chicks" in the left hand navbar of this page.
- Please notice that on the day old baby chick page, you can use the drop-down list located above the first picture to see what breeds are available for specific dates you may be interested in.
- When you click on a specific chick to see details, you can hover your cursor over the calendar to see exactly how many chicks of that breed are still available (availability changes quickly!).