Avian Flu

A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Informed About the Ongoing Avian Flu Outbreak

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A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Informed About the Ongoing Avian Flu Outbreak

The 2022-2025 outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has severely impacted poultry populations in the United States, with over 141 million birds affected in both commercial and backyard flocks across 50 states. This guide provides up-to-date information on the outbreak, biosecurity measures, and resources to help you stay informed and protect your flock. 

The USDA’s conditional approval of an HPAI vaccine developed by Zoetis represents a potential new tool in the fight against this devastating disease. At this time the vaccine can only be used under strict government mandates, primarily for large-scale egg and meat producers. The vaccine must still undergo further evaluation and receive final USDA approval before it can be widely distributed.


United States Avian Flu Outbreak Map

Visit the USDA APHIS Interactive Avian Influenza Map for the latest detections and case trends across the country. 

What Is HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza)?

HPAI, commonly known as avian flu, is a highly contagious virus that affects birds, often causing severe illness and high mortality rates in poultry flocks. Outbreaks can occur suddenly, spreading rapidly through direct bird-to-bird contact or indirectly via contaminated surfaces, equipment, and even people.

How Does HPAI Spread?

  • Direct contact: Infected birds can pass the virus through saliva, nasal secretions, and droppings.
  • Indirect contact: Virus particles can linger on equipment, clothing, shoes, vehicles, and shared water sources.
  • Wild birds: Migratory waterfowl like ducks and geese are primary carriers and can spread the virus without appearing sick.

Symptoms of Avian Flu in Birds:

  • Coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge
  • Swollen head or eyes
  • Darkened comb or wattles
  • Lethargy and reduced appetite
  • Loose droppings
  • Decreased egg production

If you suspect illness in your flock, quarantine sick birds immediately and contact your local veterinarian, state agricultural department, or the USDA hotline at 1-866-536-7593.


A sick hen with the Avian Flu virus

A sick hen with the Avian Flu virus. 

What to do if you think a member of your flock is sick with avian flu.

If members of your flock show signs of illness, isolate and quarantine them from other members immediately. Then contact your local veterinarian or your appropriate state department right away. You can also call the USDA at 1-866-536-7593. Early detection is essential to help prevent the spread of the avian flu.

There is no treatment for HPAI, and if you have a confirmed case of HPAI in your flock, therefore, unfortunately, all members of your flock will need to be put down. Culling is the only way to prevent the spread of the disease to nearby farms and flocks. While it may seem cruel, culling birds with confirmed infection may save the lives of thousands or even millions of other birds and therefore is the only responsible course of action.

Practice these biosecurity practices to help protect your flock from the avian flu.


Biosecurity Basics to help protect your flock from the Avian Flu Outbreak

Tips for preventing Avian flu in your backyard flock - Biosecurity basics 

Follow these tips to help keep your flock safe from the ingoing avian flu outbreak: 

  1. Keep germs away – Always wash your hands before and after coming into contact with your backyard flock. Also, be sure to disinfect any supplies or equipment that comes into contact with your flock.
  2. Avoid wild birds – Droppings and fluids from wild birds spread avian influenza. The first and most important rule for you is to practice good biosecurity. This means you can’t allow your flock to drink from or bathe in water sources that wild birds could access, and you can’t allow your flock outdoors unless your run is covered or has an impervious roof. Make sure to quarantine any birds showing signs of infection.
  3. Limit visitors to your coop and farm – In Addition, try to avoid any unnecessary visits to your coop or farm. If you have visitors, encourage them to wash their hands and boots or wear gloves and protective boot coverings.

How to safely add to your flock during the HPAI outbreak 

In addition, don’t acquire birds from neighbors, friends, your local breeder, or listings on Facebook. You shouldn’t sell your birds to other people, either.

However, you can purchase from NPIP-approved flocks like My Pet Chicken. Why? Because the USDA and State Departments of Agriculture recognize that our breeder flocks are registered and regularly tested for all illnesses, including Avian Influenza. In fact, purchasing from a reputable hatchery or hatching from your own flock is the only safe way to acquire birds at the moment.


Delaware chickens shown in a clean hatchery.
Purchase new birds from a reputable hatchery such as My Pet Chicken

Click on your state below for up-to-date information about the avian flu outbreak.


Alabama Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: December 19, 2024. So far 3 commercial flocks and 3 backyard flocks with a total of 470,990 birds have been affected. For further information, visit the Alabama Public Health Department ,

Alaska Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: November 26, 2024. So far 11 backyard flocks with 1,370 birds have been affected. For more information about HPAI, visit the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services.

Arizona Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 19, 2025. So far 2 commercial flocks and 5 backyard flocks with 1.1 million birds have been affected. For further information, visit the Arizona Department of Agriculture.

Arkansas Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 24, 2025. So far 8 commercial flocks and 9 backyard flocks with 666,060 birds have been affected. For more information about HPAI, visit the Arkansas Department of Agriculture.

California Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 13, 2025. There have been reports in California from 105 commercial flocks and 39 backyard flocks, affecting over 23 million birds.

Wildlife disease specialists with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) recently received confirmation that an adult bobcat died from the Eurasian strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1. This is the first virus detection in a wild mammal in the state of California.

Dr. Janette Jones, the California State Veterinarian, encourages backyard poultry flock owners to be prepared and recognize the signs of disease. For further information, visit California Environmental Protection Agency.

Colorado Bird Flu Outbreak Information 

Last reported detection: February 12, 2025. Colorado has had over 9.7 million birds affected in 12 commercial flocks and 33 backyard flocks. Although the risk of HPAI to humans remains very low, there has been one reported case in 2022 of human infection in Colorado from a person working on a farm with infected poultry.

The Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office is asking all poultry and bird owners to increase their biosecurity practices to keep the disease out of our domestic poultry in Colorado. You can also find more information about HPAI at the Colorado Department of Agriculture.

Connecticut Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 6, 2025. Connecticut has had 5 backyard flocks with 280 birds affected. Connecticut is home to over five million poultry consisting of backyard and commercial flocks that could be affected by the disease outbreak. Bird owners must report any Avian Influenza symptoms to the State Veterinarian at 860-713-2505. For more information about HPAI, visit the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

Delaware HPAI Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 13, 2025. Delaware has had 6 commercial flocks and 3 backyard flocks with over 1.9 million birds affected. For more information about HPAI, visit the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.

Florida Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 30, 2025. Florida confirmed the bird flu virus in 45 backyard flocks with over 19,000 birds affected. Florida is committed to protecting poultry, and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) regularly monitors domestic poultry for evidence of avian influenza viruses. Samples are routinely collected from backyard flocks, show birds, commercial poultry, and live bird markets. Visit Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for further information or to report bird mortalities online.

Georgia Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 21, 2025. Georgia has had 3 commercial flocks and 3 backyard flocks with 30,570 birds affected. For further information about bird flu, visit the Georgia Department of Agriculture.

Hawaii Avian Flu Outbreak Information

No reported detection as of November 18, 2024: There are reported cases in 2 backyard flocks with 79 birds affected. For further information, visit the State of Hawaii Department of Health.

Idaho Bird Flu Outbreak Information 

Last reported detection: January 30, 2025. Idaho has had 1 commercial flock and 58 backyard flocks with over 13,000 birds affected. For further information about the bird flu outbreak, visit the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. Idaho Fish and Game ask that if any sick wild birds are found, report them here to assist with surveillance records.

Illinois HPAI Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 22, 2025. Over 114,000 birds have been affected in 3 commercial flocks and 8 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Illinois Department of Agriculture.

Indiana Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 14, 2025. Indiana has had 20 commercial flocks and 10 backyard flocks with over 6.8 million birds affected. For further information, visit the Indiana State Board of Animal Health, where you can also sign up for email and text updates.

Iowa Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 14, 2025. Over 30 million birds have been affected in 43 commercial flocks and 22 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. 

Kansas Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 4, 2025. Over 1.8 million birds have been affected in Kansas from 13 commercial flocks and 29 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Kansas Department of Agriculture.  

Kentucky Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: October 11, 2022. Kentucky has had over 285,000 birds affected in 2 commercial flocks and 2 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. 

Louisiana Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last Reported detection: February 7, 2025. There are reported cases in 3 backyard flocks affecting 80 birds. For further information, visit the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Maine Bird Flu Outbreak Information 

Last reported detection: March 18, 2024. Maine has had 1,253 birds affected in 20 backyard flocks. According to the Maine Department of Agriculture - The risk for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) remains high in Maine, and backyard flock and commercial operators are urged to prevent contact between domestic and wild birds by bringing them indoors and ensuring their outdoor areas are fully enclosed. For further information, visit the Maine Department of Agriculture.

Maryland Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 4, 2025. Maryland has had over 2.8 birds affected in 11 commercial flocks and 3 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Maryland Department of Agriculture. 

Massachusetts Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 24, 2025. So far Massachusetts has had 600 birds affected in 7 backyard flocks by the bird flu. For further information, visit the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. 

Michigan HPAI Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 13, 2025. So far over 7.1 million birds in 16 commercial flocks and 31 backyard flocks have been affected by the bird flu. In April of 2024, the avian flu was detected at one of the nation's top egg producers and the biggest farm in Michigan, Herbruck's Poultry Ranch. For further information, visit the Michigan Agriculture and Rural Development. 

Minnesota Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 12, 2025. Minnesota has had over 9.1 million birds in 141 commercial flocks and 44 backyard flocks have been affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit the Michigan Agriculture and Rural Development. 

Mississippi Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: December 30, 2024. Over 360,000 birds in 4 commercial flocks and 3 backyard flocks have been affected. For further information, visit the Mississippi Board of Animal Health.

Missouri Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 10, 2025. Over 5 million birds have been affected in 34 commercial and 24 backyard flocks. For further information, you can also visit the Missouri Department of Agriculture. 

Montana HPAI Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: November 12, 2024. Montana has had over 164,000 birds in 28 backyard flocks affected by the bird flu. For further information, you can visit the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. 

Nebraska Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 30, 2025. Nebraska has over 7 million affected birds in 10 commercial flocks and 18 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.

Nevada Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 18, 2028. Nevada has had 4 backyard flocks with 1,680 birds affected by HPAI. For further information, visit the Nevada Department of Agriculture.

New Hampshire Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 23, 2023. New Hampshire has had 440 birds from 3 backyard flocks affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.

New Jersey Avian Flu Outbreak Information 

Last reported detection: September 15, 2023. New Jersey has had 736 birds in 5 backyard flocks affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.

New Mexico Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: April 17, 2024. So far in New Mexico, 3 commercial and 2 backyard flocks with 129,260 total birds have been affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit the New Mexico Department of Health.

New York HPAI Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 11, 2025. Over 126,000 birds were affected in 2 commercial flocks and 34 backyard flocks. New York is banning poultry shows and exhibitions to help safeguard against the avian flu outbreak. For further information, visit the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets. 

North Carolina Avian Flu Outbreak Information 

Last reported detection: January 28, 2025. North Carolina has had over 3.8 million birds affected in 14 commercial flocks and 8 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the North Carolina Agriculture and Consumer Services. 

North Dakota Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: December 18, 2024. North Dakota has had over 440,000 birds affected from 9 commercial flocks and 29 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the North Dakota Department of Agriculture.

Ohio Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 18, 2025. Ohio has had over 21.7 million birds affected by the bird flu in 72 commercial flocks and 12 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Oklahoma Bird Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: December 24, 2024. Oklahoma has had over 2444,000 birds affected by bird flu from 4 commercial flocks and 10 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Oklahoma Department of Health. 

Oregon Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 3, 2025. So far, there have been over 907,000 birds in 3 commercial flocks and 45 backyard flocks that have been affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit the Oregon Department of Agriculture.  

Pennsylvania Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 12, 2025. Over 7 million birds have been affected in 39 commercial and 45 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. 

Rhode Island HPAI Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 24, 2025. So far Rhode Island has had 100 birds affected in 2 backyard flocks by the bird flu. For further information, visit the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. 

South Carolina Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: December 31, 2024. There have been 1 commercial and 4 backyard flocks with 1,350 birds affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

South Dakota Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 11, 2025. Over 6.1 million birds in 114 commercial flocks and 26 backyard flocks have been affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit South Dakota Game Fish and Parks. 

Tennessee Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 16, 2025. Tennessee has had 5 commercial and 8 backyard flocks with over 456,00 birds affected by HPIA. For further information, visit the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. 

Texas Avian Flu Outbreak Information 

Last reported detection: January 9, 2025. Over 2.8 million birds in 2 commercial flocks and 12 backyard flocks have been affected by the bird flu. In April of 2024, the second human case of bird flu was reported in Texas following exposure to infected cattle. For further information, visit Texas Parks and Wildlife. 

Utah Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: December 3, 2024. Utah has had over 4.3 million birds affected in 26 commercial flocks and 12 backyard flocks. For further information, visit the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Vermont Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 24, 2025. So far Vermont has had 160 birds in 5 backyard flocks affected by the bird flu. For further information, visit the Vermont Agency of Agriculture.

Virginia Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 31, 2025. 3 commercial flocks and 9 backyard flocks with over 479,000 birds have been affected. An additional 25,000 turkeys were euthanized due to HPAI exposure. For further information, visit the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. 

Washington Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 10, 2025. There have been 3 commercial flocks and 52 backyard flocks with over 2.1 million birds affected. For further information, visit the Washington Department of Health. 

West Virginia Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: January 3, 2025. So far 2 backyard flocks with 259 birds have been affected. For further information, visit the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.

Wisconsin Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: December 27, 2024. So far, in Wisconsin, there have been over 3.6 million birds in 19 commercial flocks and 20 backyard flocks affected by the bird flu.  For further information, visit the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture.

Wyoming Avian Flu Outbreak Information

Last reported detection: February 12, 2025. There have been 450 birds in 14 backyard flocks that have been affected. For further information, visit the Wyoming Fish and Game Department.


For additional information about the avian flu outbreak in all 50 US states, visit the USDA APHIS list of 2022-25 confirmations of HPAI in commercial and backyard flocks. Additionally, visit the Center for Disease Control for further information about HPAI infections.

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