Top Selling Chicken Breeds for 2025: Which Feathered Friends Should Join Your Flock?
Back to blogAs 2025 kicks off, backyard chicken enthusiasts are buzzing about the most sought-after breeds. This year’s top picks offer everything from unique egg colors to stunning feather patterns and charming personalities. Whether you’re a newbie building your first flock or a seasoned chicken keeper looking to add some stars to your coop, these top-selling breeds are sure to delight.
Here’s a roundup of the top chicken breeds for 2025, and why they’re capturing the hearts of chicken keepers everywhere.
1. Easter Eggers: Eggstraordinary Colors
With their adorable muffs and beards, Easter Eggers are a fan-favorite for their vibrant egg colors. Â
Easter Eggers are super friendly; they are great layers of large eggs in shades of blue and green. Their plumage can vary from stark white to dark brown and black, from buff tones to blue to splash–and anything in between. Their smaller body size gives them an advantage in the heat, and their small pea comb means they do well in cold weather, too, because they are not as susceptible to frostbite.
While Easter Eggers chiefly lay blue or green eggs, a small percentage will lay another egg color, including tinted, brown, or even pinkish. Each hen will give ONE egg color. The egg color will not change from one egg being laid to another. For example, if your hen has just laid a green egg, it will lay a green egg its entire life.)
Why They’re Trending: Their unique egg colors and charming looks make every breakfast an adventure.
My Pet Chicken offers the following Easter Egger Breeds for sale: Lavender Dream Easter Egger, Blue Favaucana, Cuckoo Bluebar, Easter Egger, Easter Egger Bantam, Frizzle Easter Egger, Green Queen Easter Egger, Green Queen Easter Egger Bantam, Silked White Easter Egger, and Bountiful Blue Egg Layer.
2. Black Copper Marans: Gourmet Egg Layers
Known for their rich, dark chocolate-brown eggs, Black Copper Marans are the definition of elegance. Their glossy black feathers with copper accents make them one of the most striking birds in any flock. Beyond their looks, they’re known for their calm temperaments and reliable egg production.
Our Marans are bred chiefly for egg color, with an additional view toward hardiness and the breed standard. You can expect your Black Copper Marans to lay an egg anywhere from dark brown, to deep reddish-brown, to medium brown with many dark speckles. Marans make lovely pets, too - they are hardy, calm, and quiet and bear confinement well. They are said to be good foragers without being TOO destructive to your garden.
The very darkest eggs you receive from your lovely Black Copper Marans hen will be her first egg, and the eggs will lighten ever so slightly with each egg, up until her annual molt. After that, you will once again see her darkest egg.
Why They’re Trending: Dark eggs bring a luxurious touch to your table.
My Pet Chicken offers the following Marans chicken breeds for sale: Black Copper Marans, Blue Copper Marans, Golden Cuckoo Marans, Silver Cuckoo Marans, Wheaten Marans, Blue/Black/Splash Birchen Marans, and Blue Splash Marans.
3. Olive Egger: Green Egg Glory
For something a little different, Olive Eggers deliver gorgeous olive-green eggs that stand out in every egg carton. These hybrids combine the best traits of dark-egg and blue-egg layers, often producing hardy, prolific hens with quirky personalities.
Olive Eggers are hardy and usually do well in cold and hot climates.
Why They’re Trending: Green eggs never go out of style, and these hens make it happen.
My Pet Chicken offers the following Olive Egger chicken breeds for sale: Gold Kissed Granite Olive Egger, Partridge Olive Egger and Olive Egger.
4. Barred Plymouth Rock: A Classic Favorite
A true icon in the chicken world, Barred Plymouth Rocks are famous for their striking black-and-white striped plumage and their reputation as one of the friendliest breeds. They’re reliable layers of medium brown eggs, and their hardy, adaptable nature makes them a top pick for both beginners and experienced chicken keepers.
Like the Faverolles, this is another breed whose males are often recommended as good roosters for the home flock, as they tend to be calm and kind compared to some breeds of roosters.
Why They’re Trending: They’re the perfect combination of beauty, productivity, and personality.
My Pet Chicken offers the following Plymouth Rocks chicken breeds for sale: Barred Plymouth Rock, Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock, and White Plymouth Rock.
5. Salmon Faverolles: Fluffy & Fabulous
For a breed that feels like a living fairy tale, Salmon Faverolles are the perfect pick. Their fluffy beards and feathered feet give them an adorable look, while their gentle demeanor makes them ideal for families. They lay lovely light-brown tinted eggs and are excellent winter layers.
Male Faverolles are remarkably calm and dignified and make great roosters for the home flock since they are not as aggressive as others.
Why They’re Trending: Sweet, snuggly, and productive—what’s not to love?
6. Welsummer: Rustic & ReliableÂ
Welsummers are a must-have for their deep, terra-cotta-colored eggs, often speckled with darker spots. These Dutch beauties are easy to care for and boast gorgeous partridge plumage. Calm and steady, they’re a solid addition to any backyard coop.
Why They’re Trending: Their rustic, artisanal eggs are a homesteader’s dream.
7. Cream Legbar: Chic & Unique
Cream Legbars are known for their stylish crests and the guaranteed blue eggs they lay. As an autosexing breed, they allow you to distinguish males from females at hatching, which is a huge perk for breeders. These active, foraging hens add a touch of flair to any flock.
The Cream Legbar chicken originated in Britain and was developed by crossbreeding Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks.Â
Why They’re Trending: Their exclusive look and sky-blue eggs make them a must-have.
8. Speckled Sussex: The Life of the Coop
Speckled Sussex chickens bring personality and pizzazz to any flock. Their rich mahogany feathers are speckled with white, creating a look that’s both rustic and refined. These hens are also incredibly friendly and curious, making them a joy to have around.
Why They’re Trending: Their outgoing personalities and unique appearance make them stand out.
9. Silver Laced Wyandotte: Beauty Meets Function
Silver Laced Wyandottes are a feast for the eyes with their intricate black-and-white feather pattern. But they’re not just about looks—they’re reliable layers of medium brown eggs and are well-suited to a variety of climates. Their calm and friendly temperament makes them a favorite for mixed flocks.
Why They’re Trending: Their stunning appearance and steady egg production make them a winner.
Do you have any of these chicken breeds in your backyard chicken flock? Share which ones in the comments below.
Do you ever sell silkies do you have any now?I need four females.
My Pet Chicken:
We do sell Silkies, but availability can vary. Please feel free to reach out to us by phone or chat, and we’ll be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns
Thsnks for all the info. I have several Easter chickens. Yhry do make great pets more thank my standard chickend.
Lovely article. I have 4 types of breeds listed all acquired from MPC. Disappointed my favorite, the Speckled Sussex, description seemed to be cut off before finishing. They are absolutely the perfect chicken.
I have 1 Olive Egger , and 2 BCM hens! All beautiful birds!
This is so helpful in deciding which chickens to get for the first. Thank You