You've been waiting for Lavender Orpingtons, and they're finally here! The lavender or "self blue" color is rare and highly prized in the world of chickens, and we've selected our breeder flock for pure beauty. They are a large, loosely-feathered bird with an upright stance and a medium-sized single comb.
Orpingtons are adored for their good nature and willingness to be handled, and we recommend them as one of the best breeds for beginners. Our "Lavender Lily" is the friendliest bird in our whole flock and tolerates endless carrying around by our little ones. She lays three to four, light brown eggs a week.
Related Baby Chick Articles:
- Orpington Chicken Breed: The Ultimate Guide
- How to Identify Baby Chicks with Leg Bands
- Baby Chick Identification Photos
- Baby Chicks: Behind the Scenes
What to know about Marek's disease vaccine
We offer the Marek's Disease vaccine on the checkout page.
Related articles: Should I get my birds vaccinated? and All about Marek's disease.
Shipping Information:
- The minimum order of day-old chicks shipped to Rhode Island is 12 due to Rhode Island state law.

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