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    White, Blue Tinted

Ducklings: Khaki Campbell

Regular price $21.99
Regular price Sale price $21.99
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The Khaki Campbell is one of the more famous and popular duck breeds. The female has excellent egg production, laying between 165-240 large eggs weighing 75-85 grams per year and it has good mothering abilities. Khaki Cambell eggs will be pearly white, with a small percentage laying blue or green eggs. This duck weighs 3.5-4.5 lbs.

The male has a brownish bronze and warm khaki coloring, dark brown eyes, dark orange legs and feet, and a green bill with a black bean at the tip. The female is seal-brown and khaki in color with dark brown eyes, brown legs and feet, and a greenish black bill with a black bean on the tip.

This breed was introduced by Mrs. Adele Campbell of Gloucestershire, England in 1901. She experimented with Runners crossed with Rouen and Mallards though she never revealed the exact genetic makeup of her Campbells. Initially they were a fairly mixed color breed but later an emphasis was placed on the current khaki color. The khaki color was bred into the Campbell at the same time there was a patriotic fervor for the British troops fighting the Boer War in a uniform of the same color. Once "Khaki" was added to the Campbell breed, it became even more popular.

Our ducks will fully integrate with all the other breeds that we offer. If you want purebred ducklings hatching from your ducks, make sure you separate your ducks by breed during the mating season, or you can let your ducks cross and see what different shapes and colors you will get with their ducklings.

Shipping Info:

  • Although your waterfowl order will need to be picked up from your local post office, please provide us with your physical address when placing your order. We cannot accept P.O. Box numbers for orders.
  • The minimum order of day-old ducklings shipped to Rhode Island is 12 due to Rhode Island state law. 
  • Waterfowl are hatched and shipped on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays of the shipment week that you choose at checkout.
  • Unfortunately, due to the importing regulations in those states, we cannot ship fertile hatching eggs to Hawaii and the US Territories.

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