My Pet Chicken offers a variety of baby chicks for sale, including female bantams, green and blue egg layers, heritage, exclusive breeds, and more! Our day-old chicks are guaranteed to arrive 100% healthy. Shop our selection of baby chickens and other live poultry.
December - March: Winter minimum chick orders: 8 baby chicks.
April - November: Spring minimum chick orders: 3 baby chicks
2025 Shipping charges for baby chicks:
$75.00 for 3-14 chicks, USPS Express Mail.
$40.00 for 15-24 chicks, USPS Priority Mail.
$25.00 for 25+, USPS Priority Mail.
*The USPS has implemented a NEW $15 surcharge on all live animal shipments, which has been included in the prices above. We recognize the cost of shipping for a small flock is a significant investment and will continue our focus on providing the most value for our customers and a safe voyage for our flocks.