Getting Started
Anyone can raise chickens, including you!
We’re so glad you’ve joined us at My Pet Chicken, where we believe everyone deserves to experience the joys of keeping chickens! For over 17 years, we’ve helped people just like you start their flocks, learn how to keep them healthy, and provided support every step of the way. Whether you’ve always wanted to have your own chickens or recently became interested in them as a way to provide nutritious, free-range eggs for your family, we’re here to tell you that you really CAN do it.
This page is your roadmap to get started with backyard chickens, as we’ve pulled our best resources together to set you up for success. Keeping chickens can be easy and fun – we’re here to show you how!
STEP 1 | Find Your Perfect Breeds
Start by taking our breed selector quiz. This will allow you to narrow down the birds that will work best for you based on your personal preferences.
STEP 2 | Get Supplies
It's important to provide a safe, secure environment for your new chickens. Here is a list of everything you need to set your flock up for success.
STEP 3 | Buy or Build a Coop
Deciding whether to buy or build a coop can be a big decision. Here is a look at the pros and cons of each.
STEP 4 | Join Our Flock
Once you've selected your chickens, prepared for them by purchasing supplies, and decided on a coop, the next step is to learn everything you can about your new chickens. The best way to do that is to join Our Flock, where you will recieve priority customer support, valuable resources, and get access to flock-only perks. Join Here

Getting Started with Chickens Guide
Want to know how to raise backyard chickens? We wrote this free e-book to give you an overview and to help you decide whether keeping chickens in your backyard is right for you. This quick and easy ready provides the all basic "how to" information you'll need. Go now