Silked White Easter Eggers

This cross is new, and exclusive to MPC. It is the result of years of selective breeding across multiple generations. As the name suggests, we've bred a Silked Easter Egger! Get all the benefits of an Easter Egger in a special Silkie package.The chicks will have a random combination of muffs, beards and crests, and their skin will be either slate green or black in color. They typically will have feathered legs and feet, varying from lightly to heavily feathered. About 95% of their eggs will be blue in color and the remainder will be cream-colored — but 100% will be great egg layers!
Class:Â Not recognized
Type:Â Large Fowl
Size:Â Small (4-5 lbs)
Rarity:Â Rare
Purpose:Â Ornamental
Recognized Varieties:Â White
Egg Facts:
Egg Laying:Â Good (3/wk)
Egg Color:Â Light Blue
Egg Size:Â Medium
Fancy Features:
Comb Type:Â Walnut Comb
Crested:Â Yes
Feathered Legs:Â Yes
Number of Toes:Â 5
Suitability to Backyard Life:
Cold Hardiness:Â Hardy in winter
Heat Tolerance:Â Tolerates heat well
Bears Confinement:Â Bears confinement well
Especially Docile:Â Yes
Setter/Broody:Â Yes
Personality:Â Sweet, tame, mothering.
 Related Products:Â
- Baby Chicks: Silked White Easter Egger
- Pullet: Silked White Easter Egger