THE chocolate egger breed — the Black Copper Marans! For those of you who adore a colorful egg basket, this breed is a must-have!
Our Marans are bred chiefly for egg color, with an additional view toward hardiness and the breed standard. You can expect your Black Copper Marans to lay an egg anywhere from dark brown, to deep reddish-brown, to medium brown with many dark speckles. Marans make wonderful pets, too - they are hardy, calm and quiet, and bear confinement well. They are said to be good foragers without being TOO destructive to your garden.
The very darkest eggs you receive from your lovely Black Copper Marans hen will be her first egg, and the eggs will lighten ever so slightly with each egg, up until her annual molt. After that, you will once again see her darkest egg.
For those of you interested in showing, these birds originally came from Bev Davis and Wade Jeane lines.
Related Articles:
- Marans Chicken Breed: The Ultimate Guide
- How to Identify Baby Chicks with Leg Bands
- Baby Chick Identification Photos
- Baby Chicks: Behind the Scenes
What to know about Marek's disease vaccine
We offer the Marek's Disease vaccine on the checkout page.
Related articles: Should I get my birds vaccinated? and All about Marek's disease
Shipping Information:
- Due to Rhode Island state law, the minimum order of day-old chicks shipped to Rhode Island is 12.
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Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
We ordered a Black copper Maran chick last year. She has a gentle disposition and acted like a momma to our porcelain d'Uccle that grew up with her. She lays beautiful dark brown speckled eggs very consistently. Great addition to our flock!
Thank you for sharing your experience! Your Black Copper Marans sounds like such a sweetheart—it's so special when a hen takes on a nurturing role, especially with a tiny Porcelain D’Uccle!
And those dark brown speckled eggs—what a treat! Marans are such a fantastic breed, and we’re thrilled to hear she’s been a consistent layer and a wonderful addition to your flock.

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1 month ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
Our black copper marans was the first to lay 2 beautiful, small copper eggs in the middle of December. She has been a joy!
Thank you for your lovely review! How exciting that your Black Copper Marans has already given you those gorgeous copper eggs—what a delightful gift for December! They really are such a joy to have in the flock, and their rich-colored eggs are always a treat. I hope she continues to bring you smiles and beautiful eggs for years to come!
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3 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
Beautiful and healthy
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5 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
adorable chick
Baby chicks are always so cute! Thank you for letting us know the little ones are doing well and please reach if you have any questions, we are always happy to help!
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5 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
I received my black copper mirans in a flock with five other chicks. During the first few days, my tiniest chick was crying a lot and not eating much, so I offered all of them some sugar water. Everybody has been fine ever since!
Your little ones are so adorable! Thank you for sharing your photos with us! We are happy to hear the sugar water helped them recover after their journey and they are settling in well with you! Please let us know any time if you have any questions, we are happy to help!

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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Straight Run
My girls have named one of the chicks Dave. We hope Dave is a rooster. We lost or BCM rooster to old age and his BCM hen is lonely. We hope the two of them help replenish my flock. My girls know way more about science from raising chickens. Highly recommend.
We truly appreciate you letting us know how much you love your Black Copper Marans and we hope for your girls' sake that you have a "Dave"! You are so right that raising livestock and poultry are great ways to learn about nature and science and we are so happy we be a part of the journey you and your family are taking. Let your girls know we have an extensive Frequently Asked Questions section on our website as well to help them with any research. Please let us know any time if you have any questions as we are more than happy to help!
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
Great bird. Tolerant and dependably lays dark brown eggs.
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
They are very loving. Mine follow me around like a puppy. They are great layers as well.
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
Will eventually lay beautiful dark eggs.
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
Beautiful and healthy. Feathered feet, no knock offs
We appreciate you sharing this excellent rating of your little ones and are so thankful to have been a part of your flock building journey. Please let us know any time if we can be of assistance with adding to your flock, their care needs, questions or perhaps a little something for you as their flock keeper! We do our best to have what our fellow keepers need and want!
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Male
Still babies!
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
Hardy chicks and great backyard chickens.
The Black Copper Marans are a great addition to any backyard flock not only for their beautiful eggs and plummage but they tend to be a friendly bird with tons of personality! Thank you for sharing your experience with these babies and let us know if we can assist you with any questions or flock care needs. We are happy to help!
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
Wonderful smart and assertive hen. She started laying at 3 months. She is high up in the pecking order, curious, and unafraid.
Ah, the wonderful Black Copper Marans are a favorite amongst many flock keepers just for the reasons you mentioned! They are great additions to any backyard flock and we hope you have many years of happiness together with her and her flock mates! Please let us know if we can ever be of any assistance. We are happy to help!
1 person found this review helpful.
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
The process was quick and easy. All 4 of my girls got here safely and are doing well the first week in. They are all curious but my Black Copper Marans are so friendly and love to sleep in my hands or use them as a perch.
My blue splash are curious but more on the skittish side but still super sweet.
Your little ones sound so adorable! We are so very happy all are doing so well and that they are bringing joy to your backyard! As is often the case, our flock members will have their own little personalities and your Blue Splash may be a bit more timid or is just too busy checking out her surroundings and does not want to be interrupted. With some gentle coaxing with treats and soft voices, she will likely come around and want to join in with your Black Coppers - then they both will be vying for your attention! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns any time, we are happy to help!
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6 months ago
Baby Chicks: Black Copper Marans Female
i love her and her whte head stripe! she's very active and curious!
Thank you for taking the time to review our little babies! We are so happy to hear they are doing well and bringing you happiness! My Pet Chicken hopes to help you with your flock needs in the future!

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6 months ago
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