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  • Abundance
  • Egg Quantity
    Very Good (4/wk)
  • Size
  • Egg Color
    Blue, Green, Brown
  • Heat Tolerance
    Tolerates Heat Well
  • Cold Tolerance
    Not Cold Hardy
  • Personality

Baby Chicks: Frizzle Easter Egger Bantam

Regular price $24.99
Regular price Sale price $24.99
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Shipping Week Availability Other Breeds Available


Frizzle Easter Egger Bantams! - These aren't just any Easter Eggers: they're frizzled! (Well, 50% of hatchlings will be frizzled... Long story, but you can't breed a frizzled bird to a frizzled bird, or you end up with big problems, so we breed frizzled roosters to smooth-feathered hens, which produces a 50% rate of frizzling in offspring.) 

These Frizzle Easter Egger Bantams are hardy in the heat and cold, good foragers, and great producers at 4-6 blue or green* eggs a week. Some traits from our breeder flock include some with beards and muffs, some crested, some feather-footed. Who wouldn't want to add a few of these lovelies to their flock? 

*Please note that while Easter Egger Bantams chiefly lay blue or green eggs, a small percentage will lay another egg color, including tinted, brown, or even pinkish. Each hen will give ONE egg color. The egg color will not change from one egg being laid to another. (For example, if your hen has just laid a green egg, it will lay a green egg its entire life.)

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Shipping Information:

  • Due to Rhode Island state law, the minimum order of day-old chicks shipped to Rhode Island is 12.


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