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Chicken Harness and Leash

Regular price $6.97
Regular price Sale price $6.97


Have a pet chicken you'd like to take for a walk? Now you can! We've sold tens of thousands of chicken harnesses, and customers seem to love them.

Maybe you don't have a farm to let your chickens roam, or perhaps you're just not comfortable free-ranging your birds. With this harness, now you can safely walk your beloved pet chicken and give them a chance to explore! What a conversation starter. Plus, if you don't have a leash at home or you just like to coordinate, we now offer matching leashes.

Hand wash only and air dry. Do not machine wash.

Sizing Guideline
  • Bantam/Juvenile (XS): for your bantam and juvenile birds; 1 - 3 pounds, including bantam ducks.
  • Standard Hen (S) and Duck : for birds from 3 - 5.5 pounds, for instance Ameraucanas, Andalusians, Campines, Dominiques, Hamburgs, Leghorns, Polish, and Sultans. For ducks, recommended for Runners, Welsh Harlequins, Campbells and similar-size birds.
  • Rooster/Extra Large Hen/ large Duck (M): for birds more than 5.5 pounds, for instance Ameraucana, Barnevelders, Delawares, Faverolles, Marans, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Sussex, Welsummers, Cochins, Jersey Giants, Orpingtons, and Wyandottes. For ducks, recommended for Pekin, Buff, Cayuga, Rouen, Swedish and Silver Appleyard breeds.

* Please note: Birds that are not typical of the breed, such as those either underweight or extra large, must be assessed for the correct size individually. The information above is intended as a helpful guideline only.


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