The Buff Duck, or Buff Orpington Duck (yes, really — just like the chicken!) was developed by the William Cook family who lived in the Orpington area of Kent, England in the early 1900s. It entered the U.S. in 1908. To this day it remains a very beautiful and popular breed.
The female is all buff and the male has a buff body and seal brown head. The female has a brownish orange bill with a dark bean and the male has a yellow bill. They have brown eyes with a blue pupil and they have orange yellow shanks and feet.
The Buff has a calm disposition and is a good forager. They weigh 5-6.25 lbs and lay between 130-180 large (80-90 grams) white or tinted eggs per year. Though the Buff breeds true (their progeny is the same color), they originated from a variety of breeds: Runners, Aylesburys, Rouens, and Cayugas.
Our ducks will fully integrate with all the other breeds that we offer. If you want purebred ducklings hatching from your ducks, make sure you separate your ducks by breed during the mating season. Or you can let your ducks cross and see what different shapes and colors you will get with their ducklings.
Shipping Info:
- Although your waterfowl order will need to be picked up from your local post office, please provide us with your physical address when placing your order. We cannot accept P.O. Box numbers for orders.
- The minimum order of day-old ducklings shipped to Rhode Island is 12 due to Rhode Island state law.
- Waterfowl are hatched and shipped on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays of the shipment week that you choose at checkout.
- Unfortunately, due to the importing regulations in those states, we cannot ship fertile hatching eggs to Hawaii and the US Territories.
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