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  • Abundance
  • Egg Quantity
    Very Good (4/wk)
  • Size
    Large Fowl
  • Egg Color
  • Heat Tolerance
    Tolerates Heat Well
  • Cold Tolerance
    Hardy in Winter
  • Personality

Pullet: Silver Spangled Hamburg

Regular price $54.99
Regular price Sale price $54.99
Sold out


Don't have the time, equipment or inclination to care for chicks? Or were you ready for fresh eggs yesterday? This is the tickets! At 6-7 weeks old, these started pullets are ready to go outdoors, with no heat or special care requirements. Another wonderful benefit is that our juveniles are sexed twice, once at hatch and again at 6 weeks, which reduces your chance of ending up with roosters! Our six-week started pullets are floor-raised and socialized with humans, vaccinated for Marek's disease, and their beaks are intact--we never trim.

The strikingly handsome Hamburgs are petite and active--and they are an old, traditional breed whose origin goes back hundreds of years. In both England and Holland, they were such faithful layers that a common name for them is "the Dutch Everyday Layer."

Silver Spangled Hamburgs are quite small, nearly bantam in size. Their feathers are silvery white, each with a black spangle on the end, giving them a fun, polka-dotted appearance. Hamburgs with the Silver Spangled pattern have also been called "Moonies" and "Crescents" due to their unique plumage!

Like other Hamburgs, Silver Spangleds are high fliers and can jump fences and enclosures! They don't love confinement, and don't often make very good lap chickens because they are so active. However, they eat little to produce their prolific numbers of small to medium white eggs, so they cost less to feed than many other breeds. Their rose comb makes them tolerant of cold, as well. They are wonderful all-around homesteading birds if you have the room, and they rarely go broody.

These gorgeous birds have rose combs, white ear lobes and blue legs. They are excellent small birds for the home flock for those wanting efficient and economical layers. They are also fun, pretty birds to show!

All Started Pullets are shipped USPS Express Mail.

Please keep your 6-week-olds quarantined from your existing flock for four or more weeks, and take care when introducing them.
These pullets will be shipped at approximately 6-8 weeks of age.


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