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  • Abundance
  • Egg Quantity
    Good (3/wk)
  • Size
    Large Fowl
  • Egg Color
    Chocolate, Brown
  • Heat Tolerance
    Not Especially Heat Hardy
  • Cold Tolerance
    Hardy in Winter
  • Personality

Pullet: Wheaten Marans, Shipping Week of

Regular price $114.99
Regular price $129.99 Sale price $114.99
Sold out


Yes, we have Wheaten Marans Pullets! This variety is exceedingly rare, and their eggs are among the darkest brown you'll ever see. 

Hens and roosters with wheaten plumage have very different looks, both are beautiful. The hens will be creamy, shading to golden brown in the hackles and saddles, and their tails and wing tips will be darker. The roosters are different with fiery hackles and saddles; they are ebony, whereas the hen is creamy.

The Marans breed was developed originally in France in the mid 1800s in the town for which it bears its name, Marans. (This is why the name of the breed always has the "S" at the end, whether singular or plural.) The original French birds had feathered legs as will the chicks that hatch from these eggs. Marans became popular for their dark mahogany-brown eggs—a trait they are still known for today. Because of the beautiful eggs, Marans of any plumage are often called "chocolate eggers."

Like all Marans, our Wheatens are calm, quiet, and gentle. They are also fast growers and fantastic foragers. We select the darkest eggs with our Wheatens and eggs are as dark as in our (coming soon!) photo. Eggs will lighten in color as the laying season progresses, then darken again after a break in laying, such as a molt.

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Benefits of Purchasing Pullets

  • Started pullets are an excellent option for people who don't have the time, equipment, or desire to care for chicks.
  • These juvenile chicks are sexed twice, once at hatch and again at six weeks old, which reduces your chance of ending up with roosters.
  • The minimum order is just 2 chicks!

Additional Pullet Information

  • These pullets will be vaccinated for Marek's disease and MG (Mycoplasma gallisepticum)
  • Our six-week started pullets are floor-raised and socialized with humans, and their beaks are intact--we never trim.
  • Please keep your 6-week-olds quarantined from your existing flock for four or more weeks, and take care when introducing them.
  • Check out our Started Pullets Care Guide.

Pullet Shipping Information

  • All Started Juveniles are shipped USPS Express Mail.
  • Due to import regulations, we cannot ship to Iowa, West Virginia, Texas, Hawaii, and Nevada.
  • Pullets will ship on Tuesday or Wednesday of the designated shipping week. You will receive an email with tracking information once they leave the farm.


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