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Seabuck 7 Backyard Chickens Feed Additive, 32 oz

Regular price $24.99
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Customers using Seabuck 7 backyard chicken feed additive report health benefits for their chickens AND improvements in the quality, size, and number of eggs produced! This 99.9% natural blend is a complete source of Omega 3, 6, 9 and rare Omega 7. Using Seabuck as a nutritional supplement can improve the condition of your flock's feathers, skin, waddles, and combs, thus increasing your flock's health and resistance to illness.

Seabuck customers have reported significant increases in laying and lab tests show increases in the amount of Omega acids in the eggs, too. Especially if your flock doesn't have all-day access to ranging on green forage, this supplement will help your hens produce thicker, darker yolks indicative of the more nutritious eggs laid by hens with access to green pasture.

Seabuck Customer Testimonials:

I started this supplement not knowing what to expect. Within days of using I started seeing a difference of the amount of feed they would eat. But yet act as if it’s a treat when I first set it down. Their laying increased and new layers began to lay. Egg size and quality is outstanding. My chickens that were healthy chickens before started looking like brand new chickens. Their feathers just seemed to look and feel a lot healthier. My chickens do great on this product and I plan to continue use and expand and start giving it to my other flock.- Sarah

I love this chickens loved this product. I’m not sure if it was the taste or the fact it was something new but when it was added to their food they went crazy! They were eating it faster than I could lay feed down. I have noticed my chickens who had bald spots from mating are starting to regrow feathers. I have tried cat food tuna and feather fixer for months now and saw little results. I believe this is a good supplement to add to your chicken feed.- Melissa

Directions for use: Sprinkle on your feed once a day. Use 1/2 ounce for under 10 chickens, 1 ounce for 10-20 chickens, and add 1/2 ounce per 10 additional chickens. A 32 ounce bottle will support a small flock of 6 or so birds for up to three months, or a flock of 20 for about a month.

Active Ingredients per ounce: a Proprietary blend of Premium Himalayan Sea Buckthorn puree, fruit oil, and seed oil (14,174mg)
Inactive Ingredients: Water and Potassium Sorbate

Product Net Contents: 32 fl oz

Please Note: We cannot accept returns for this Seabuck 7 Backyard Chicken Feed Additive due to health and safety concerns.


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