Frequently Asked Questions
Here we answer the most commonly-asked questions about ordering, chicken care, and more.
All about Salmonella disease
The word "Salmonella" evokes fear in the hearts of chicken-keepers. A healthy respect for this bacterium is certainly justified, but should not be blown out of proportion. The main concern is that Salmonella can be transferred to humans and can make us very sick, or in some cases even cause death. Thankfully, practicing good biosecurity and following the CDC's guidelines can keep humans safe. Unfortunately, though, the prognosis isn't so good for chickens that become infected with Salmonella. Read on to find out more. Salmonella (general) Various types of Salmonella infection include Pullorum, Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Arizonosis, Paracolon, various other names...
Read MoreAll about Perosis disease
Perosis is a nutritional deficiency that can cause swollen, twisted, broken, or bowed legs, or loss of color in feathers, the comb, or the roof of the mouth. Thankfully, nutritional deficiencies can be avoided by making sure your flock has free-choice access to complete, nutritionally-balanced feed. Don't just feed them scratch or kitchen scraps; that can cause problems for them later on! Read on to find out more: Perosis Also called Slipped tendon, chondrodystrophy Prevalence Uncommon in layers, common in heavy, fast growing chicken breeds used for meat production. Signs General signs Swollen hocks, one or both legs twisted to...
Read MoreAll about Polyneuritis disease
If one of your bird's neck muscles seems to have "frozen" in a position that leaves them staring at the sky, it's possible they have polyneuritis, or "star gazing" disease. This is caused by a thiamine deficiency that can usually be avoided by giving your flock free-choice access to complete, nutritionally-balanced feed. Don't just feed your flock scratch or kitchen scraps, as that can leave gaps in their nutrition. Read on to find out more. Polyneuritis Also called Star gazing, Thiamine deficiency Prevalence Uncommon, particularly so in backyard flocks with access to pasture. Signs General signs - Lack of appetite,...
Read MoreAll about Coccidiosis disease
Coccidiosis is very common in chicks, especially ones that may be stressed from shipping or from being introduced to a new location. You can help by keeping your chicks as stress-free as possible, and by keeping their brooder dry. Some people choose to use medicated feed to combat susceptibility to this disease while the chicks develop a resistance, while others use regular feed and have no trouble with cocci. We discuss medicated feed and more, below: Coccidiosis Also called Cocci Prevalence Very common Signs General signs - Loss of appetite, weight loss or stunted growth, ruffled feathers, lethargy, and (for...
Read MoreAll about Avian Encephalomyelitis disease
Avian encephalomyelitis (AE) is a neurological disease that causes symptoms that are similar to many other diseases. Some improper flock management practices (including incorrect use of supplements or nutritional deficiencies) can also lead to comparable symptoms, so you may need a veterinarian to provide a firm diagnosis. There is no treatment for the virus that causes AE, and while birds that recover do not continue to be lifelong carriers of the virus, their egg laying frequency will likely be diminished. There are steps you can take to reduce your flock's risk of spreading the disease among itself. Read on to...
Read MoreAll about Mycoplasma disease
Mycoplasma may exhibit mild symptoms in chickens, but once they have it, they can be carriers for life. While mycoplasma is deadly in turkeys, in chickens, it can reduce laying frequency in your flock and be passed from the mother hen to the chick in the egg. This is a reportable disease that really demands a veterinarian's expert diagnosis and treatment plan. Read on to find out more: Mycoplasmas Also called There are several mycoplasmas, which are variously known as Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae, MG, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Infectious sinusitis (in turkeys) Prevalence Common in large commercial laying or meat...
Read MoreAll about Coryza disease
Coryza is the chicken equivalent of the "common cold" - but interestingly enough, colds in humans are caused by viruses, while coryza is caused by a bacteria in chickens. Thankfully, this disease is rarely fatal, and chickens recover from it within a matter of weeks. But it can look like many other respiratory diseases, so you will want your vet to diagnose any ailing members of your flock to be sure you're treating them correctly. Read on for more information about this common chicken ailment: Coryza Also called Cold, Infectious Coryza, IC, Roup Prevalence Common Signs General signs - Loss...
Read MoreAll about Crossed Beak in chickens
When you see a chicken with cross beak, you know it! Cross beak is exactly what it sounds like: a chicken's beak is "crossed," or the top and the bottom don't match up exactly when the bird's mouth is closed. While this may cause great concern for the chicken-keeper, thankfully, in most cases, the bird can go on to live a relatively normal life. Keep reading to find out more: Crossed beak Also called Cross beak, scissor beak, scissors beak, crooked beak, lateral beak deviation Prevalence Common Signs General signs - Easy to identify: when a chicken�s beak is or...
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"The Clubhouse" Coop
Easy to assemble and built to last, the Clubhouse Coop is the perfect starter coop for a small flock.