Frequently Asked Questions
Here we answer the most commonly-asked questions about ordering, chicken care, and more.
How much feed should I give my chickens each day?
We recommend feeding "free choice"; that is, letting them eat as much layer feed as they want and leaving their feeder out at all times (although you may take it up at night if you like). Even if your chickens have access to pasture, free ranging simply supplements their diet. Chickens will eat as much food as they need to keep themselves healthy. Some breeds may be able to barely subsist in good weather by free ranging (although this is unlikely, as chickens are domesticated animals, not wild animals), but most will simply starve if you don't provide them enough...
Read MoreHow much does it cost to feed a chicken?
A basic estimate is that chickens will eat 1/4 pound per day per chicken. However, that estimate is based on the conditions commercial layers face in factory farm conditions and are not necessarily accurate estimates for backyard chicken keeping. They're estimates for high-production, economical producers of eggs in controlled conditions year-round, who may be highly stressed and who certainly have no access to pasture. Such estimates are probably not accurate for bantam or heritage breeds of chickens kept in backyard conditions. Chickens kept in hobby farm conditions have varying egg production based on breed and season, have varying sizes from...
Read MoreShould I give my chicks medicated feed or unmedicated feed?
Medicated feed is formulated for chicks to help them combat coccidiosis, a disease that is found just about everywhere in the environment. Most medicated starter feeds contain the medication amprollium. Amprollium does not *treat* coccidiosis, but it helps the babies fight off cocci oocysts while they develop their own immunity. It is a preventative. If your birds have been vaccinated against coccidiosis, feeding them medicated feed will nullify the coccidiosis vaccination, although it will not hurt them. (We do not offer the coccidiosis vaccine, as it is too stressful on the birds--we offer the Marek's vaccine, which is not affected...
Read MoreWhat is the best brand of chicken feed?
That's a little like asking for the best brand of jeans. In other words, most major brands are going to be fine, and what's "best" will depend on you and your needs. It will be a matter of what is convenient to purchase, what the cost is, and maybe a matter of how well something "fits" your flock and your family. If you want organic, non-GMO feed, a regular feed just won't be a good fit for you (and our organic poultry feeds certainly fit the bill!). Some flocks prefer pellets; others prefer mash. Some breeds convert feed efficiently and...
Read MoreWhat is the best location for a chicken coop? Top 10 Tips
There are many considerations to take into account when determining the best location for a chicken coop. Here are 10 tips that can help you find just the right spot:Â 1. Keep Your Coop Close to Your Home. If your coop is far away from your house, it's easy to lose interest in caring for your birds on a daily basis. There's no need to make chores more difficult! Therefore, position your coop close enough to the house for easy egg collection and daily care tasks. Yet far enough to keep any smells or flies away from the home. Also,...
Read MoreHow do I care for ducklings and goslings?
Baby ducks and geese are EXTREMELY cute, and they are generally easier to raise than chicks. Nevertheless, if you decide to add geese or ducks to your flock, it is important that you be well-prepared. Those cute little balls of fluff will be depending on you! Here are some tips to help you prepare for your new waterfowl flock: Before they arrive You are going to need a "brooder," which is just a designated place that provides the protection, feed, water, and warm environment they need their first few weeks of life. A brooder can be just a simple plastic...
Read MoreWhat are the best ways to prevent impacted crop, impacted gizzard, and sour crop in my chickens?
Impacted crop occurs when there is a blockage in your chicken's digestive tract, preventing food from traversing her system. Occasionally you may actually have a blockage further down, like an impacted gizzard. Sour crop---a bacterial overgrowth in her crop, typically an overgrowth of yeast---can occur when the digestive system is stalled with an impaction, but can also happen on its own if there's a pH imbalance, or if your chicken is eating rotten or moldy food. There are a few good strategies you can use to prevent impacted crop and sour crop in your flock. Feeding Feed fresh, good quality...
Read MoreWhat kind and how much feed should I give my flock at each stage of development?
As baby chicks and waterfowl grow, their nutritional needs change. It can be confusing to know how much and what kind of feed to give them at each stage of development. Please don't lose sleep over this issue! We have all the help you need for your growing chickens, ducks, and geese right here. One note before we get started: All feed manufacturers have recommended stages for their feed. This guide is a commonly accepted standard; however, you should follow the directions on the feed you choose for optimum benefit from that brand. Regardless of their age, one principle always...
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"The Clubhouse" Coop
Easy to assemble and built to last, the Clubhouse Coop is the perfect starter coop for a small flock.